- Workforce Planning and Analytics
This diagram outlines the entire monthly refresh cycle, from beginning to end.
1. It all starts with the customer sending SuccessFactors their refresh data via SFTP, and the Cloud Consulting team QAs the data to ensure its validity that we can read the extracts.
2. It is very important that the customer sends SuccessFactors their data in the expected format as outlined in their data specification document, otherwise the refresh automation process will break and we would request for the customer to correct those issues and resend, thus delaying the refresh.
3. Once the data has been verified and processed, it is then published to the Preview site for customer validation.
4. Customer reviews the preliminary data on the Preview site and is to provide sign off so SuccessFactors can then push this data into their Production site.
5. Now that customer data is in Production, customer can identify any new configuration changes here via an SCR, that is to be implemented within the next development cycle.
KBA , sf wfp_a , LOD-SF-WFA-WA , Workforce Anaytics , How To