Customer would like to create multiple user accounts without having to create one account at a time.
- SAP SucessFactors Worforce Planning and Analytics
- Online Report Designer
- Advanced Reporting
- Report Canvas
- Use the attached bulk user upload template. The template provides notes in which were you can find the values needed to file out the template. When uploading through the Bulk User Load tool, please keep in mind that the tool only will accept Excel 1997-2003 version files so make sure to save the file as a xls file rather than a .xlsx file.
To access the tool: Analytics > Analytics > Admin > Bulk User Load > Browse for completed bulk user load template file (completed beforehand) > choose requred options (recommend to leave as default) > Upload Users.
This will return the bulk user load template with either an error message or a success message. If an error message is returned, columns in the template may need to be amended with correct information, saved and the template uploaded again. Please create an case if an error is returned that cannot be resolved. Please include the whole returned spreadsheet in the case for troubleshooting.
User bulk load - add users analytics - report canvas , KBA , LOD-SF-WFA-WA , Workforce Anaytics , LOD-SF-ANA , Analytics & Reporting (Ad Hoc, YouCalc, ORD) , How To
Bulk User Template - Automated - Example.xls |