- It takes too long to open a PDM (physical data model) that contains Oracle partition or subpartition information in tables
- It takes too long to enter table physical information properties inside a PDM diagram when table contains Oracle partition or subpartition information
- It takes too long to reverse-engineer an Oracle table or set of tables that contains Oracle partition or subpartition information
- SAP PowerDesigner (PD) 16.5 SP02
- SAP PowerDesigner (PD) 16.5 SP03
- SAP PowerDesigner (PD) 16.5 SP04
- Windows 7 32 or 64-bit
SAP PowerDesigner 16.5 ; SAP PowerDesigner, standard edition 16.5
PDMPhysOptionsTimeOut, timeout, load, delay, slow , KBA , BC-SYB-PD , PowerDesigner , BC-SYB-PD-AMC , Power AMC , Bug Filed
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