You are trying to deploy the content SAP HANA ANALY. ERP EHP4 1.0 for Hana Live.
However during the deployment, you have an issue in selecting the components "HANA CONT. HBA HCM RENEWAL 100" and "HANA CONTENT HBA INSURANCE 100":
Error Message: Execution of 'Update SAP HANA system from stack.' failed.
Detailed Message: Could not deploy HANA content.
Could not update software component(s), on host <hostname>.
Could not deploy all delivery units.
And in the indexserver trace, you could find the following errors:
ceCalcScenarioModeler.cpp(00417) : The following errors occured: Inconsistent calculation model (34011)
Details (Errors):
- CalculationNode (ClearedInsurCollDisbmtDocumentItem): ColumnView _SYS_BIC:sap.hba.fscx604/ClearedInsurCollDisbmtDocumentItem not found (cannot get catalog object).
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HANA database 1.0 all releases
SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition
HANA Lifecycle Manager, import error, FS-CD, collections and disbursements, FI-CA , KBA , HAN-LM-APP , SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , How To
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