You create your own Add-on program. Then BAPI_PRODORDCONF_GET_TT_PROP is able to be executed continuously. E.g. your program contains only 1 screen with 2 sub screens. In sub screen 1, there are fields for selection condition and "Goods Movement" button. Once click "Goods Movement" button, the result of BAPI_PRODORDCONF_GET_TT_PROP is displayed in sub screen 2. You can press "Goods Movement" multiple times.
However, the determined batches of second run is different from first run.
SAP R/3 release independent.
1; 2; 1st; 2nd; get; GR; GI; goods receipt; goods issue; , KBA , PP-SFC-EXE-CON , Confirmation , LO-BM-BD , Batch Determination , Problem
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