Symptom 1.
You want to create a change document like Normal change from the Request for Change.
Then you insert a Normal change and approve it.
Then you click action "Release for development" in the action list.
After that you can find the Document ID for Request for Change is generated.
But if you close the Request for Change then open it again, you will find the Document ID is gone.
Symptom 2.
When clicking edit button on Urgent Change/ Normal change document which was originally created via follow-up of "Request for Change" document, the following error shows up:
"Transaction with the transaction number 'xxxxx' is not available or archived" (CRM_ORDERADM_H012)
When clicking edit edit button on "Request for Change" document which was originally crated via "Create Follow-up" functionality, the same above error message comes up.
Symptom 3.
PPF actions showes executed successfully,but nothing was committed to the database at the end.such as mail notifcation action.
And below error can be found in update function module:
Status Update was terminated
Row 74
Error details Class: AM Number: 010
Address doesn't exist
Solution Manager 7.1 SP12
Change documents, Normal change, Urgent change, SP12, CRM, CRM_UI, SM_CRM, Approve, solution manager, COM_PARTNER_UPDATE_DU,Address doesn't exist,follow-up, transactions with the transaction number is not avalable or archived, commit, CRM_ORDERADM_H012
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