- DBACockpit is reporting missing indexes:
After a migration to SAP ASE you are getting from DBACockpit under Diagnostics -> "Missing Tables and Indexes" listed /BIC/E100xxxx tables.
DBACockpit Notes are up to date.
The RS_BW_POST_MIGRATION was executed after migration. - Checking the concerned tables, by the table name you can deduce they are Aggregates
Note: Aggregates tables use to be named "/BIC/E100nnn" or "/BI0/E100nnn" for E fact aggregate tables and "/BIC/F100nnn" or "/BI0/F100nnn" for F fact aggregate tables.
The table names that make up the logical object that is the aggregate are derived in a similar manner, as are the table names of an InfoCube. For example, if the aggregate has the technical name 100001, the fact tables are called: /BIC/E100001 and /BIC/F100001
- The indexes appears on SE14 and when using the Check Objects from Database the message “Database object for <table_name> is inconsistent: (Secondary Indexes)” is returned on the header -> The indexes are not created on the database side.
- Checking the status on the BW RSA1, the green traffic light for "Check Indexes of Agg." is returned.
- Green traffic light also returned from RSRV -> All Elementary Tests -> Database -> Database Indeces of an Infocube and Its Aggregates.
- You confirmed that those Aggregates have no data.
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7 for Business Suite
- SAP Business Warehouse - All versions
BW SYBASE ASE aggregate DBACockpit missing secondary indexes , KBA , BW-SYS-DB-SYB , BW on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem
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