- The following error occurs when you logon to the BPC Web client:
500 SAP Internal Server Error
ERROR: An error has occurred while parsing a dynamic entry. (termination: RABAX_STATE) - The following shortdump occurs in ST22:
"CL_UJA_BASE_HIER==============CP" bzw. CL_UJA_BASE_HIER==============CM00S
"GET_MEMBER_WITH_FORMULA" - The following error occurs when you run SE38 program: UJA_REFRESH_DIM_CACHE:
An exception with the type CX_SY_DYNAMIC_OSQL_SEMANTICS occurred, but was neither handled locally, nor declared in a RAISING clause. - The following error occurs when you run the SE38 program: UJA_DATA_CHECKER:
The parser produced the error: "/1CPMB/xxxxx" is not defined in the ABAP Dictionary as a table, projection view, or database view. - The issue may happen after a BW/BPC upgrade.
- SAP Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC) 10.0, version for SAP NetWeaver
- SAP Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC) 10.1, version for SAP NetWeaver
UJA_GEN_SLT_TBL ; system copy ; upgrade ; 500 - Server error , CX_SY_DYNAMIC_OSQL_SEMANTICS , a table , projection view , database view , UJA_REG_TBL_TADIR , UJA_GEN_SLT_TBL , The hierarchy , the dimension , shortdump , SAPSQL_PARSE_ERROR , CX_SY_DYNAMIC_OSQL_SEMANTICS , "CL_UJA_BASE_HIER==============CP" , CL_UJA_BASE_HIER==============CM00S, "GET_MEMBER_WITH_FORMULA" , CX_SY_DYNAMIC_OSQL_SEMANTICS , BPC , upgrade , Business Planning and Consolidation , 10.0 , version for SAP NetWeaver , 10.1 , version for SAP NetWeaver , ABAP Dictionary , UJA_REFRESH_DIM_CACHE , UJA_DATA_CHECKER, cache, inconsisdency, dimension, table, error, dim, DD_NAMETAB_DELETE, SP upgrade, upgrade, bpc, bw, embedded mode, bpc the database table unknown CL_UJA_BASE_HIER , KBA , migration , deklariert , der parser lieferte den fehler , ist im abap-dictionary nicht als tabelle , projektions- oder datenbank-view , processing , troubleshooting , EPM-BPC-NW-ADM-DIM , Dimension Management , BW-PLA-BPC , BPC 'embedded model' , Problem
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