The customer is creating a measurement point and the update task is very slow. Even after applying note 1516278, IK01 transaction is still taking 20 seconds in processing time in the update task logic.
Before applied to the new SAP components for the project, the time taken for IK01 in the update task was 4 seconds.
After the components below were added to the system, the runtime for the update task processing increased to 282 seconds.
CPRXRPM 500_702 :Add-On Installation
SP12 EPROJCON 200_600:Add-On Installation
SP02 MRSS 900:Add-On Installation
SP02 MRSS_NW 900:Add-On Installation
SP02 SMERP 610_700: :Add-On Installation
SP03 SMFND 610_700: :Add-On Upgrade
SP03 Also, ECC-DIMP was patched from 6 to 8.
New SAP system with the following components applied for the project.
CPRXRPM 500_702 :Add-On Installation
SP12 EPROJCON 200_600:Add-On Installation
SP02 MRSS 900:Add-On Installation
SP02 MRSS_NW 900:Add-On Installation
SP02 SMERP 610_700: :Add-On Installation
SP03 SMFND 610_700: :Add-On Upgrade
SP03 Also, ECC-DIMP was patched from 6 to 8.
KBA , MOB-SYC-SAP , Syclo Mobility for SAP backend , Problem
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