- On Windows 64bit platforms, Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 64bit may fail to configure the data cache and cannot boot with the following messages even though 'max memory' is sufficient.
kernel Allocating a shared memory segment of size 962068480 bytes.
kernel Allocating a shared memory segment of size 646643712 bytes.
kernel Allocating a shared memory segment of size 1012727808 bytes.
kernel Kernel memory at 0x0000000020000000, 962068480 bytes
kernel Kernel memory at 0x0000000020000000, 4343808 bytes
kernel Server part of first shared memory region at 0x0000000020424800, 957724672 bytes.
kernel Failed to log the current message in the Windows NT event log
kernel Server region 0 at 0x0000000059730000, 646643712 bytes
kernel Server region 1 at 0x000000007FFF0000, 1012727808 bytes
kernel Highest valid address is 0x00000000BC5C0000
kernel Cannot allocate shared memory as 'max memory' limit of '1280000' pages has been reached. Please increase configuration parameter 'max memory' to allow additional shared memory allocation. Total physical memory allocated so far '1280000' pages.
server Configuration of the cache (default data cache) failed since the defined cache configuration consumes more memory than is available for buffer caches.
server Invalid Configuration: Unable to start Adaptive Server. The server may be started with a default configuration using the -c startserver option.
kernel ueshutdown: exiting
- This problem does not occur on ASE 15.7 SP122.
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7 SP130 and SP131
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0
- Windows 64bit
775446, CR 775446, shared, memory, starting, address, 64-bit , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Bug Filed
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