You want to allow suppliers to display alerts which are part of Sequence 5 (for example alerts 7803 (Cumulative Quantity Imbalance) and 7804 (Shipped Quantity Discrepancy)), which are 'In Process' status in the Alert Monitor. By standard, suppliers are only allowed to confirm and reject status 'New' alerts from Sequence 5.
- SAP Supply Chain Management (SCM) - release independent
- SAP Service Parts Planning (SPP) - release independent
- Alert Monitor - WebUI
SPP, SHA, Alerts, Alert Monitor, 7803, 7804, supplier, HTTP, WebUI, SNC, Alert Sequence, SPRO, IMG, customizing, Sequence 5, AMO , KBA , gscbrazil , video , gscbrazil_video , SCM-APO-SPP-SHA , Shortage Analysis , SCM-APO-SPP , Service Parts Planning , SCM-BAS-AMO , Alert Monitor , How To
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