- You have multiple threads executing in your UltraLite application
- Multiple threads request the ULConnection.Synchronize() or the ULConnection::Synchronize() method concurrently, in either a background thread or a foreground thread
- You receive the error: SQLE_SYNC_NOT_REENTRANT - "UltraLite cannot synchronize because a synchronization is already running" with a SQLCODE / errorCode -1110 value
- SAP SQL Anywhere 16
SAP SQL Anywhere 12
SQL Anywhere 11
SQL Anywhere 10 - UltraLite database engine
- All Supported Platforms
SAP SQL Anywhere 16.0 ; SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere 12.0 ; Sybase SQL Anywhere 10.0 ; Sybase SQL Anywhere 11.0
sybase , KBA , BC-SYB-SQA , SQL Anywhere (on premise, on demand) , Problem
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