- The ASE errorlog contains messages like this:
timeslice -501, current process infected at <hex address> (<function name>)
This Adaptive Server process has had 342281 major and 0 minor page faults since boot.
timeslice -2133, current process infected at ffffffff7c7dbf60 (_so_accept+0x8)
Listener with protocol tcp, host dspwmp5, port 10000 has been terminated due to timeslice error. You can start a new listener on the same port.
This Adaptive Server process has had 4231 major and 0 minor page faults since boot.
- These messages can also show up in sp_sysmon reports even without a timeslice and stacktrace in the ASE errorlog:
Page Faults at OS per sec per xact count % of total
------------------------- -------- ---------- -------- -------
Minor Faults 0.6 0.4 69 100.0 %
Major Faults 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 %
------------------------- -------- ---------- -------- -------
Total Page Faults 0.6 0.4 69 100.0 %
- The stacktrace may include spinlock functions like atomic_try.
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE)
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise all versions
swap , swapping , virtual memory , stack trace , RAM , lock shared memory, sparc_lock , so_accept, ram pages, allocate, poor performance, spinlock, memory contention, slow disk response, HugePages, Huge Pages, major faults , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , How To
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