- Interpolation of the global variable doesn't work after upgrade.
- Global variable (varchar) assigned a table name: $GV_VIEW_NAME = 'owner.TABLE';
- Global variable is being called from SQL Transform using square brackets : select count(*) as num_of_lines from [$GV_VIEW_NAME]
DBS-070404: |Data flow <DF_NAME>|Reader SQL: SQL submitted to ODBC data source <TD> resulted in error <[Teradata][ODBC Teradata Driver][Teradata Database] Object 'o' does not exist. - Global variable is being called from SQL Transform using curly brackets : select count(*) as num_of_lines from {$GV_VIEW_NAME}
DBS-070404: |Data flow <DF_NAME>|Embedded Dataflow check_view_rows|Reader SQL
SQL submitted to ODBC data source <TD> resulted in error <[Teradata][ODBC Teradata Driver][Teradata Database] Syntax error, expected something like a name or a Unicode delimited identifier or '(' between the 'from' keyword and the string 'd' keyword. >. The SQL submitted is <Select count(*) as num_of_lines from 'owner.TABLE'; - Hardcoded name of the table works just fine.
- SAP Data Services
- Teradata 13.10
- Windows 2008R2
SAP Data Services 4.2
KBA , EIM-DS-EXE , Job Execution , Problem
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