When filtering by member or calling variable value help on a hierarchy, the search box is grayed out (disabled). Therefore, you are not able to use the search functionality.
In Lumira, a hierarchy value cannot be copied or pasted in the hierarchy search. It throws an error: Cannot execute search. "The hierarch is too large."
However, in transaction RSRT (backend) the F4 help is enabled and it is working as expected.
SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, edition for Microsoft Office, BW/4, BW 7.X
grayed out, greyed out, search, hierarchy, hierarchies, disabled, F4-search, hierarchy search, F4 help, hierarchy is too large, value help, CL_RSR_HIERARCHY_BINCL, CL_RSR_HIERARCHY_BUFFER, find members , KBA , BI-RA-AO-XLA , Excel Addin , BW4-AE-CORE-HIER , Hierarchies (Runtime) , BW-BEX-OT-OLAP-HIER , Using Hierarchies , How To
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