One of the following error messages is displayed in the browser while attempting to maintain master data for an InfoObject using transaction RSD1 in the relevant InfoObject or in RSA1 using the context menu for an InfoObject:
- "Service cannot be reached" with the following information in the "Note" section: "The termination occurred in system with error code 403 and for the reason Forbidden."
- 500 SAP Internal Server Error
- ERROR: The class could not be found at dynamic method call.
- Error: The termination occurred in system with error code 403 and for the reason Forbidden.
SAP NetWeaver (All versions)
SAP NetWeaver all versions
Service cannot be reached,Master data maintenance; ICF, 500, connection, timed, out, timeout 1969105 , KBA , can't reach this page , BW-WHM-DBA , Data Basis , BW-WHM-MTD , Metadata (repository) , How To
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