Although we are able to login to Central Management Console (CMC), CCM -> manage servers, Query Builder, etc. the below is observed.
- In CMC -> Servers:
Hostname is shown as NULL for active node. e.g. "sianode1 (NULL, )"
No servers visible in the "Server list" page.
Not even the Central Management Server (CMS) is visible.
If adding a new service, we get the message: "The Server plug-in does not exist in the CMS (FWM 02017)." - AddNode logs showed (after recreating old and creating new SIA):
Committing DFO file(s) for OutOfBoxCentralManagementServer...
Successfully committed DFO file(s) for OutOfBoxCentralManagementServer.
FAILED: could not find server with cuid FtE_nVS06A4ARB8AAABHU9P.AFBWsiIT. Query returned 0 infoobject(s).
Similar errors for ALL services such as IFRS, OFRS, etc. - Temp CMS logs show a lot of the below:
"QueryHelper error: Fail to get object type by Kind (Server). Reason: Plugin Manager error: Unable to locate the requested plugin Server on the server. (FWB 00006). - In Query Builder:
Query for any server (e.g. SI_DESCRIPTION='Central Management Server') may not return any data.
If data is returned, property SI_KIND may be empty.
Query for "SI_PROGID='CrystalEnterprise.Server'" returned empty, when it should list the servers belonging to a given node.
Although we are able to login to CMC, CCM -> manage servers, Query Builder, etc. the below is observed.
FixFragObjects returned no damaged frag files and also the "packagestemp" directory was checked to be empty.
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence (BI) 4.x
- All supported OS.
central, management, server, SIA, not visible, node, empty, server, services, add, dfo, plug-in, plugin, missing, corrupt, deployment, file, bo, bi 4.0, 4.1, unix, linux , KBA , BI-BIP-SRV , CMS / Auditing issues (excl. 3rd Party Authentication) , Problem
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