- Application migrated from PB 12.5.2 to 12.6 with the following line of code in an inherited PictureButton Other event:
Mod(lparam, 256)
Compilation results in the following assertion failure:
Assertion Failure
Invalid type in cm_intrinsic_mod,
file cmintrin.cpp, line 2264
- In PB 12.6, the parameters passed to the Other event have changed from Long to Longptr. According to the PB 12.6 docs, the Longptr is the same as Long although there is a note that doing complex operations on longptr datatypes may not work.
SAP PowerBuilder 12.6
SAP PowerBuilder 12.5 ; SAP PowerBuilder 12.6
PowerBuilder, Power Builder, CR 776509, CR776509 , KBA , BC-SYB-PB , PowerBuilder , Bug Filed
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