- A Linux core file has been generated automatically by a crashing SQL Anywhere process or generated manually via a debug process.
- See KBA 2075551 on how to obtain a core file for SQL Anywhere processes.
- In order to analyze the core file on a different Linux system (e.g. within SAP internal labs), the Linux system (glibc) libraries from the source system where SQL Anywhere crashed are required to be attached to the case in order for the core file to be opened.
- SAP cannot open Linux core files without the original Linux system libraries present.
- SAP SQL Anywhere
- SQL Anywhere database client/server
- UltraLite database engine
- UltraLite client
- MobiLink client/server
- SQL Remote
- Linux (x86 / x64)
SAP SQL Anywhere all versions ; SAP SQL Anywhere, cloud edition 1.0
sybase, sqla, sqlany, sqlanywhere, binary, debug, GDB, libraries, libthread, directory, linux, core, libraries, system, , library, debugging, analysis, , KBA , BC-SYB-SQA , SQL Anywhere (on premise, on demand) , Problem
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