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2114371 - Cannot add a partition or subpartition to table - SAP IQ


An SAP IQ server returns an error when making a hash paritioned table using "alter table ... partition by hash ..." statement.

I. 01/06 10:18:47. 0001739559 Exception Thrown from dblib/db_alter.cxx:845, Err# 261, tid 6 origtid 6
I. 01/06 10:18:47. 0001739559    O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 4098 (db_sqlexception); SQLCode: -1013122, SQLState: 'QDD30', Severity: 14
I. 01/06 10:18:47. 0001739559 [22152]: Cannot add a partition or subpartition to table bar



SAP IQ 16.0


SAP IQ 16.0


Sybase IQ, hash partition, partition by hash , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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