A server failure may occur in s_btParallelCursor::SetDeleteNotifier when trying to insert a duplicate key.
Exception Thrown from s_ohcins.cxx:722, Err# 0, tid 29 origtid 300 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 6145 (hgex_dataexception);
SQLCode: -1002003, SQLState: 'QGA03', Severity: 14
[20505]: Tried to insert a duplicate value into a unique index ASIQ_IDX_T9174_I38_HG on row 1187.
-- (s_ohcins.cxx 722)
[20917]: Delete of 1 rows started for table:
*** Sybase IQ Abort:
*** From: st_server.cxx:1430
*** PID: 25606
*** Message: caught signal 11, program abort
*** Thread: 1369237824 (TID: 288)
===== Thread Number 1832105728 (IQ connID: 0000076082) =====
pc: 0x7fffd67ea886 pcstkwalk(stk_trace*, int, db_log*, hos_fd*)+0x36
pc: 0x7fffd67eaac1 ucstkgentrace(int, int)+0x111
pc: 0x7fffd67ebb41 DumpAllThreads(char const*, unsigned int, int)+0x111
pc: 0x7fffd65b5c3f hos_ABORT(char const*, unsigned int, char const*, char*, char*)+0x18f
pc: 0x7fffd703ecef SigHndlr+0x4f
pc: 0x3397a0f520
pc: 0x7fffd698f9a0 s_btParallelCursor::SetDeleteNotifier(int, void*, int (*)(void*, void const*, int, void const*))
pc: 0x7fffd6f0db34 s_ohcDeleteIter::s_ohcDeleteIter(s_index*, s_bm*, s_gArray*, s_bt*, unsigned int, int, s_ohcDeleteRIContext*, hos_ValueRange const*)+0x3e4
pc: 0x7fffd709baca hs_word::LargeDelete(s_bm const&, int)+0x11a
pc: 0x7fffd709cebe hs_word::Delete(s_bm const*, unsigned long long, int, int, s_CKInfo*, hos_ValueRange const*)+0x34e
pc: 0x7fffd61ac830 hdb_delete_indices::Unit_of_Work(int)+0xe0
pc: 0x7fffd61ac607 hdb_delete_indices::hdb_delete_index_iter::ExecWork(int&, unsigned int)+0x157
pc: 0x7fffd6803107 workAllocator::DoWork(unsigned int)+0xb7
pc: 0x7fffd680821a hos_thread::Main()+0x20a
pc: 0x7fffd678f9f8 hos_lwtask::Start(hos_lwtask*)+0x58
pc: 0x7ffff723536d IQWorkerStarter(void*)+0x4d
pc: 0x7ffff77d813d run_task_body+0x2d
pc: 0x7ffff73ce857 UnixTask::pre_body(void*)+0x77
- Sybase IQ 15.0
- Sybase IQ 15.1
- Sybase IQ 15.2
- Sybase IQ 15.3
- Sybase IQ 15.4
CR716303, CR#716303, 716303, s_btParallelCursor::SetDeleteNotifier, s_btParallelCursor, SetDeleteNotifier , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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