- Table actions are missing in Web Intelligence (Webi) reports
- Options such as Wrap, Apply Filter, Hide, Freeze are not displayed
- Business Intelligence (BI) Platform 4.1 Support Package (SP)02
- iPad iOS 8.1
- BI Mobile Client Application version 6.1.9
Reproducing the Issue
- Open the Webi report on iPad
- Double tap on the column headers
- Observe the options which get displayed
Certain options are available depending whether the table contains merged column header cells.
Before version 5.X of the Mobile App, for tables with merged cells or merged headers, on double tapping the column headers, the application earlier displayed all the normal options that appear for tables with no merged cells (Sort Ascending, Sort Descending, Freeze, Hide, Wrap, Zoom View). But for later versions, for tables with merged cells in the body, on double tapping the column header, only the Wrap and Zoom View options appear.
Same for tables with multiple headers including merged headers, on double tapping the column header, only the Sort Ascending, Sort Descending, Wrap and Zoom options appear. Also note that the Zoom option appears only if apart from the table, there are other report parts in the same report. The Zoom option is not provided for free standing cells as there is no user interaction required for such cells.
KBA , MOB-APP-BI-IOS , BI Mobile on iPad/iPhone , Problem