A query stack traces and returns the following error messages:
[Error] Script lines: 1-225 ------------------------
SQL Anywhere Error -1001043: Report to SAP IQ Support.
Query 'Internal error at node: #366 Can not evaluate expression: D2.C4',
-- (dflib/dfo.cxx 13458) -
STACK TRACE from .iqmsg:
I. 12/23 12:42:00. 0003404313 ********************************************************
I. 12/23 12:42:00. 0003404313 **
I. 12/23 12:42:00. 0003404313 ** Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error Detected
I. 12/23 12:42:00. 0003404313 ** at dflib/dfo.cxx:13458 on thread 159 (TID 3)
I. 12/23 12:42:00. 0003404313 ** Internal error at node: #366 Can not evaluate expression: D2.C4
I. 12/23 12:42:00. 0003404313 ** Error detected at DFO #366 Group By (Hash)
I. 12/23 12:42:00. 0003404313 **
- SAP IQ 15.4 ESD#4.x
- SAP IQ 16.0 SP08.x
Sybase IQ , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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