- Is the root cause analysis provided on the same case where the service degradation / service disruption was reported or on a seperate support case ?
- This KB article explains the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) policy for SAP SuccessFactors. How many days the customer would need to wait before raising a case with support requesting for a Root cause analysis ? How many days would support need to wait before engaging OPS team to get Root Cause Analysis after the issue got resolved ? This KBA provides the scope and timeline for an official RCA
SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite
SF, success factors, data center, centre, DC, down, LMS, learning, PLT, platform services, BizX, Biz X, EC, employee central, RCM, recruiting, CMP, compensation, SCM, succession, PMGM, PM, performance, goals, ONB, OBD, onboarding, on boarding, workforce analytics, RPT, ANA, mobile , KBA , LOD-SF-PLT-OUT , Operational Infrastructure Issues - Outages , LOD-SF-EC , Employee Central , LOD-SF-RCM , Recruiting Management , LOD-SF-PM , Performance Management , LOD-SF-CMP , Compensation Management , LOD-SF-GM , Goal Management , How To
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