- This error is in the category of Unclassified error messages.
- There are multiple causes for the error message; Error HDB 10011: Application cannot connect to update site to check whether a new release is available
- Lumira Desktop
- The application could not connect to the update site to check if there is a new release available.
- Verify that your proxy setting is set correctly in your preferences panel or that the update site is accessible.
- Please see the following KBAs:
- 2206053 - Error HDB 10011: Application cannot connect to update site to check whether a new release is available. Verify that your proxy settings in the preferences panel are correct, or that the update site is accessible
Unclassified HDB_10011 HDB_10011_base HDB10011 , KBA , BI-LUM-DIS , Lumira Desktop/Discovery , BI-LUM-SRV , SAP Lumira Server , BI-LUM-OD , SAP Lumira Cloud , Problem
SAP Lumira, desktop edition 1.0