The IQ database cannot start on 16 SP08.PL20 when IQ_SYSTEM_TEMP is on /tmpfs with DIRECT_IO.
I. 01/08 13:21:19. 0000000000 Using licenses from: /export/DEVL/IQ/IQ-16_SP08/SYSAM-2_0/licenses/vsidn0vl090.lic:/export/DEVL/run/*.lic
I. 01/08 13:21:20. 0000000000 Checked out license for 40 IQ_CORE (9999.12310/permanent/1CBB E998 8008 B485).
I. 01/08 13:21:20. 0000000000 This product is licensed to: Company name
I. 01/08 13:30:51. 0000000000 Exception Thrown from slib/s_trycatch.cxx:1459, Err# 34, tid 29 origtid 29
I. 01/08 13:30:51. 0000000000 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 2071 (s_dbextexception); SQLCode: -1009086, SQLState: 'QSA86', Severity: 14
I. 01/08 13:30:51. 0000000000 [20107]: Error opening DBFILE '/export/DEVL/sybtemp/DIQ1_EQPNLLN/TEMPIQ_001'.
-- (slib/s_trycatch.cxx 1459)
I. 01/08 13:34:41. 0000000000 Exception Thrown from slib/s_trycatch.cxx:1459, Err# 34, tid 16 origtid 16
I. 01/08 13:34:41. 0000000000 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 2071 (s_dbextexception); SQLCode: -1009086, SQLState: 'QSA86', Severity: 14
I. 01/08 13:34:41. 0000000000 [20107]: Error opening DBFILE '/export/DEVL/sybtemp/DIQ1_EQPNLLN/TEMPIQ_001'.
-- (slib/s_trycatch.cxx 1459)
I. 01/08 15:15:09. 0000000000 Exception Thrown from slib/s_trycatch.cxx:1459, Err# 34, tid 2 origtid 2
I. 01/08 15:15:09. 0000000000 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 2071 (s_dbextexception); SQLCode: -1009086, SQLState: 'QSA86', Severity: 14
I. 01/08 15:15:09. 0000000000 [20107]: Error opening DBFILE '/export/DEVL/sybtemp/DIQ1_EQPNLLN/TEMPIQ_001'.
-- (slib/s_trycatch.cxx 1459)
SAP IQ 16 SP08.20 and later
KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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