Unexpected behavior with an PB .NET application that has shortcut keys on a button that usually gets triggered with the Alt/Key combination (ie. to trigger the button clicked event).
The application has a dropdown datawindow that has some items that start with the same letter as the button shortcut keys. If there is an item in the drowdown list that
doesn't start with a letter of one of the Alt/Key combinations the button's clicked event defined by that Alt/Key combination will be triggered when focus is on the dropdown and
only the letter is pressed.
For example:
- A Save button has a shortcut Alt S. There is an item Sales in the dropdown. If ALT S is pressed, the Save button's clicked event is triggered.
If you have focus on the dropdown and press only the letter S, the cursor moves to the Sales item in the list. - A Delete button has a shortcut Alt D. There are no items in the list that start with D. If Alt D is pressed the Delete button's clicked event is triggered.
However, if have focus on the dropdown and press only the letter D, the Delete button's clicked event is triggered as well, which is unexpected behavior.
- SAP PowerBuilder 12.5.2
- SAP PowerBuilder 12.6
shortcut, hotkey, pb, dddw, CR 777384, cr777384, WPF, .NET , KBA , BC-SYB-PB , PowerBuilder , Bug Filed
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