When attempting to migrate from Sybase IQ 12.7 to SAP IQ 16 using iqunload utility, IQ aborted with the following error.
> iqunload -au -c "dbf=/PATH/IQ.db;uid=user001;pwd=pass001" -ms_filename "/PATH/FILE" -ms_size 1023
*** Sybase IQ Abort:
*** From: oslib/hos_eom.cxx:122
*** PID: 18612590
*** Message: objects still registered on hos_ObjectStack when ~hos_ObjectStack() called
*** Thread: 1 (TID: 0)
oslib/hos_stacktrace.cxx: line 407: No Server object, OS context server or thread manager presents.
***** SQL error: Unable to start database server
Dump all thread stacks at oslib/hos_eom.cxx:122
.hos_ABORT(const char*,unsigned int,const char*,char*,char*)+0x280()
- SAP IQ 16
KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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