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2118343 - GM Budgeting and Cost Sharing Rule: Risk of subsequent changes


You use Grantee Management with Cost Sharing rules assigned (additive or subtractive)
After Budgeting is started, you think of changing the Cost Sharing Rule (from additive to subtractive or vice-versa) or the percentage rate
You expect the Budgeting and Cost Sharing amounts should be automatically recalculated



Cost sharing rules use these basis for calculation:
- Direct costs only
- Grant cost


 And two calculation modes are available: 

Additive Calculation of Cost Sharing budgets
The sponsor does not want to see the complete grant relevant project budget but he just defines his funding.  The grantee’s contribution is then calculated as a percentage of the externally funded amounts (sponsor’s contribution) in order to cover the project. The grantee’s contribution is added to the sponsor’s funding.

Subtractive Calculation of Cost Sharing budgets (available as of release 603)
The sponsor wants to see the complete grant relevant project budget and defines their funding as a share of this total budget. Therefore the grantee’s contribution is then calculated as a percentage of the total amount (externally and internally funded). From the total the cost sharing is subtracted in order to have the sponsor’s contribution.


Budgeting of Cost Sharing is done in two steps
1.- Enter budget

2.- Allocate

These steps are based on the GM document type, where we can see what kind of funding it is: Sponsors funding, or Cost Sharing funding.


Customizing activities required:

1.- Configure Cost Sharing rules

IMG Cost sharing rules.PNG
IMG Cost sharing rules2.PNG

2.- Configure document types:
IMG Document Type.PNG

IMG Document Type2.PNG

3.- Finally, assign a Cost Sharing rule, Cost Sharing percentages and Internal Fund to the Grant Master 


SAP ERP 6.0 ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA all versions


CSH, GM BUDGET, GM_MODIFY_BUDGET, PSM-GM-GTE, PSM-GM-GTE-BU, KBA , KBA , PSM-GM-GTE-BU , Budgeting and Availability Control , PSM-GM-GTE , Grantee Management , How To

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