This error is in the category of Business Objects Enterprise Platform error messages.
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- SCN: SAP Lumira
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For Lumira Discovery 2.0 issue, refer to the KBA 2525751 - Lumira Discovery Invalid authentication type. Check your input parameters (HDB 05404)
- SAP Lumira Desktop
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence, Edge edition 4.0, standard package ; SAP Lumira, desktop edition 1.0
BI Lumira HDB05404 HDB 05404 BOE BI BusinessObjects SAP Plat form param auth HDB_05404_base permission rights , KBA , BI-LUM-DIS , Lumira Desktop/Discovery , BI-LUM-SRV , SAP Lumira Server , BI-LUM-OD , SAP Lumira Cloud , BI-LUM-LIM , Lumira In-Memory Add-on to BOE , Problem
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