The performance of a Query has decreased although you did not change its structure recently. The SQL statement shows a long lasting access on InfoCube tables.
- The cube statistics show a YELLOW traffic light in InfoCube management (transaction RSA1 -> InfoCube -> context menu: Manage -> Performance tab).
- A refresh of the statistics does not work, neither manually in transactions RSA1, RSRV nor with BRCONNECT or in a Process Chain. The statistics check remains YELLOW.
The initial filling of aggregates may also be influenced by this problem.
- SAP NetWeaver 7.x
- SAP Basis 6.10 and above
Statistics, Performance, Web Template, Analyzer, Workbook, Timeout, Time Out, TIME_OUT, BICS, MDX, SQL, Slow, Changerun, Aggregate Filling, Oracle Optimizer, DB21, BI_STAT, BI_INDX, DBSTATC, SAP_DBSTATC_CLEANUP , KBA , BW-BEX-OT , OLAP Technology , BC-DB-ORA , Oracle , BW-SYS-DB-ORA , BW ORACLE , Problem
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