Live Activity screen doesn't work when running adapter in simulation mode.
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
- Log into the system.
- Click on the Live Activity pane on the Right Menu (HTML5 client).
OR in Fiori client
- Select the Service work center.
- Select the Live Activity center view.
- Open the SAP Cloud for Customer CTI Client Adapter.
- Click the Simulate button.
- Fill in the ANI (Dialing from) with the relevant phone number.
- Click the Simulate button.
You can see that there is no incoming call displayed.
Either Internet Explore or Chrome Settings are not set as required.
You can follow the below steps for Internet Explorer and Chrome.
Internet Explorer Settings:
- Open the Internet Browser and click on Tools and go to Internet Options:
- In the popup that follows, go to Security and click on Trusted Sites:
- Click on Sites button in the popup and enter https://* as a trusted site:
- Within Trusted Sites, click on Custom and scroll down to Miscellaneous in the resulting popup:
- Scroll down under Miscellaneous and go to Display Mixed Content and click on Enable:
- Log off and login back to see if you can simulate the call.
Google Chrome Settings:
- Launch URL in Chrome and open the Live Activity pane:
- Select the shield symbol and choose load unsafe scripts, which will re-launch the browser.
- Open the Live Activity pane again, this would change the URL bar as shown below.
- Simulate the call once again.
CTI, Live Activity, Simulation, Chrome, Internet Explorer. , KBA , chrome , cti , live activity , ie , LOD-CRM-LA , Live Activity , How To