Afaria application list can not be seen on newly enrolled device.
Portal package server connection time can not be updated anymore.
- The administrator can see the following error message on Afaria Server log.
XRS1327: Transport: Write Failed. EXPLANATION: An error occurred while trying to send a packet via a communications port.
The Error field may provide additional information about why the packet could not be transmitted.
ACTIONS: Verify that your communications port is properly connected and that your remote device is on and responding.
- Android Afaria Client log show the following log.
|e|Apps: AppListRequestThread.HandleRequest():
db: Connect to .. timed out
at com.Android.Afaria.transport.n.a(Unknown Source)
at com.Android.Afaria.transport.n.a(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
- Afaria 7 SP01, SP02, SP03, SP04
- Windows 2008 R2 SP01
- Relay server and Afaria Farm Server Environment
XRS1327, portal package , KBA , MOB-AFA , Afaria , Problem
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