- You try to compress an InfoCube request, but it doesn't get compressed and no error/warning message is displayed. There are no dumps at ST22.
- At SM37, the BI_COMPD* job has status "Finished", but the Job log just states that "No requests needing to be aggregated have been found in InfoCube <InfoCubeTechName>" and "Compression not necessary; no requests found for compressing".
- When you start the compression in RSA1, you get the message RSM1 548 (Request not datamarted to all data targets. Please do this first.) displayed.
- SAP NetWeaver 7.3
- SAP NetWeaver 7.4
- SAP NetWeaver 7.5
unable to compress , not compressed , Info Cube , InfoProvider , Info Provider , collapse , collapsed , RSMPC 123 , RSMPC123 , RSM1 489 , RSM1489 , F-Fact , E-Fact , DataMart , DSO , ODS , InfoProvider management , BI_COMPD, RSM1 548, non-cumulative, key figure, LOCK not set for, 0IC_C03, RSBDELTAREPAIR, Compression request getting failed, compress issue after upgrade to, not able to compress infocube request. , InfoCube compression does not work as expected on InfoCube, compression request getting failed , infocube compression , compress infocube request , KBA , BW-BEX-OT-DBIF-CON , Condensor , BW-WHM-DBA-ICUB , InfoCubes , BW-WHM-DBA-DMA , Data Marts , How To
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