After SP05 has been applied on SAP Mobile Platform(SMP) 2.3 SP04, the deployment of a new package with a cache that contains some MBOs with a huge amount of data(more than 10.000 rows) has caused a server shutdown because the database reached its limit.
The cache refresh task for this MBO has blocked both Databse(DB) server CPU cores.
That has worked fine in Sybase Unwired Platform(SUP) 2.2.x and SMP 2.3 SP04.
- Windows 2008R2
- SAP Mobile Platform(SMP) 2.3 SP05
- Native MBO package based on a table with more than 10.000 rows
SAP Mobile Platform 2.3
KBA , mbo , row , 10000 , batch , deploy , cpu , block , crash , cache , shutdown , MOB-SUP-RT , SUP Runtime , Problem
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