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2122073 - Warning: The value of 'max concurrently recovered db' (#) exceeds the server resource limit (#). The server will limit the maximum number of recovery processes to #.- ASE


  • During recovery, ASE raises a warning related to concurrent database recovery:
     Warning: The value of 'max concurrently recovered db' (#) exceeds the server resource limit (#). The server will limit the maximum number of recovery processes to #.
    Recovery is slower than expected due to the reduced number of recovery threads
  • Before this warning, other engines are seen coming online
  • The error log shows that not all engines have come online
  • The number of these engine online messages matches the value for "server resource limit" in the warning message

     server  Database 'sybsystemprocs' is now online.
     kernel  Network and device connection limit is 39985.
     kernel  Network and device connection limit is 39985.
     kernel  Network and device connection limit is 39985.
     kernel  Encryption provider initialization succeeded on engine 4.
     kernel  Thread 10 (LWP 16656) of Threadpool syb_default_pool online as engine 4
     kernel  Network and device connection limit is 39985.
     kernel  Encryption provider initialization succeeded on engine 3.
     kernel  Thread 9 (LWP 16655) of Threadpool syb_default_pool online as engine 3 
     server  WARNING: The value of 'max concurrently recovered db' (6) exceeds the server resource limit (2). The server will limit the maximum number of recovery processes to 2.
     kernel  Network and device connection limit is 39985.
     kernel  Network and device connection limit is 39985.
     kernel  Network and device connection limit is 39985.
     kernel  Encryption provider initialization succeeded on engine 7.
     kernel  Thread 13 (LWP 16659) of Threadpool syb_default_pool online as engine 7  <-- engine came online after warning message

  • Alternatively, before any additional threads are seen coming online as an engine. ASE outputs the message "
    The server will recover databases serially. 



SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE)  16.0 GA and higher


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0


concurrently, recovered, recovery, processes, limit, maximum , KBA , max concurrently recovered db , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Bug Filed

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