The following timeslice errors are being reported multiple times in the error log:
kernel timeslice -1001, current process infected at 0x14fb664 (atomic_try+0x2)
kernel **** Saved signal context (0x0x00002aabf45d4ec0): ****
kernel uc_flags: 0x1, uc_link: 0x(nil)
kernel uc_sigmask: 0x416000 0xa 0xfffffffa 0x1dc87
kernel uc_stack: ss_sp: 0x(nil), ss_size: 0x0, ss_flags: 0x2
kernel General Registers (uc_mcontext.gregs):
kernel PC : 0x00000000014fb664 (atomic_try+0x2)
kernel RAX : 0x000000000a0962be RBX : 0x00002aaaccfb8190
kernel RCX : 0x00002aac5f3c4000 RDX : 0x0000000000000001
kernel RBP : 0x00002aabf45d5490 RSP : 0x00002aabf45d5458
kernel R8 : 0x00002aac5dfe1158 R9 : 0x00000000000000be
kernel R10 : 0x00002aaaaac00000 R11 : 0x000000000153aea0
kernel R12 : 0x00002aaacbc0ccc0 R13 : 0x0000000000000167
kernel R14 : 0x00002aac5df555f0 R15 : 0x00002aac5f073800
kernel RDI : 0x00002aaacbc0ccc0 RSI : 0x0000000000000001
kernel RIP : 0x00000000014fb664 CSGSFS : 0x0000000000000033
kernel TRAPNO : (nil) ERR : (nil)
kernel EFL : 0x0000000000000206
kernel **** end of signal context ****
kernel timeslice error: spid 2370 exhausted its 'time slice' of 100 milliseconds and additional 'cpu grace time' of 1000 ticks (100000 milliseconds). It has been marked for termination.
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7 EBF 22870
KBA , memory corruption , process mode , cpu bound , multiple engines , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Bug Filed
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