- In the account balance display "Chronology" tab, for payments clearing down payment requests the system will display the payment amount and the down payment on the same line.
- When the down payment is clearable the amounts will be displayed in the credit memo column.
FI-CA - Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
SET/GET parameter FPL9_DOWNP_CHR, FPL9, SAPLFKL9, Chronology, BETRW, CHRTAB_FILL, Wrong Payment Amount, Chronologie, Anzahlungen, Gutschrift, Sicherheitszahlung, Barsicherheitszahlung, Freigabe Barsicherheit, CRM, WebUI, FICACMP_ACC/FicaAccChron , KBA , XX-PROJ-FI-CA , obsolete: Please use Component FI-CA instead , IS-U-CA , Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable , IS-T-CA , Contract Accounting , FS-CD , Collections and Disbursements , IS-PS-CA , Public Sector Contract Accounting , IS-M-CA , Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable , FI-CAX , Non-industry specific contract accounts receivable, payable , CRM-IC-FCA , Contract Accounting , How To
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