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2123768 - KBA [3.10] NF-e 3.10 go-live checklist for SAP NF-e GRC


You have a planned go-live for NF-e 3.10 and you need to double check if all features were validated before the go-live. For the checklist for SAP ERP, check the SAP KBA 2125859.



SAP ERP all versions ; SAP Electronic Invoicing for Brazil (SAP Nota Fiscal Eletronica) all versions


GRC sap NF-e NFE 3.10 go-live validation integration scenario mapping skip skipping cancel event sefaz BA bahia GO goias PR parana , KBA , SLL-NFE , Nota Fiscal Electronica (NFe) , XX-CSC-BR-NFE , Use FI-LOC-NFE-BR-OUT , How To

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