Customer would like to know if they need to restart EAServer every time they make a change to an existing piece of java code or a bean.
- The problem is that when the new code is deployed, the bean or component must be refreshed. The deployment script is taking care of the deployment, but the bean doesn’t seem to be refreshed.
- Even when the bean is refreshed manually in the Sybase Management Console, this also does not refresh with the new changes.
- The only thing that seems to work is to restart EAServer. This is a problem, since it causes a disturbance in the running of their business and they would like to know if there is another way to assure objects are refreshed.
SAP EAServer
Sybase EAServer 5.5 ; Sybase EAServer 6.0 ; Sybase EAServer 6.2 ; Sybase EAServer 6.3
EAS, Jaguar , KBA , BC-SYB-EAS , EAServer , How To
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