On many occassions, end-user (especially DBA) like mostly to use dbisql command line mode.
For some tasks, using this path can be much simpler than to use GUI interfaces like SAP control center or SAP IQ cockpit.
So this is one such task.
To examine or drop/recreate stored procedure, they request
- to provide simple SQL command which can be run directly in dbisql command line mode
- that extracted sql should be ready to run without any further text modification ( like trimming blanks , breaking lines etc )
In general stored procedure code can be extracted using following 2 routes.
1. proc_defn column in sysprocedure system view
2. using sp_helptext
Even though both ways can extract stored procedure text code, each has to deal with some form of further text modification
so that extracted text is well formatted and ready to run.
These drawbacks are as described in repro section.
So essentially the question has 3 requirements.
How to extract IQ stored procedure code in well formatted and readble text file
via dbisql command line mode without logging in SAP IQ cockpit or SAP Control Center ?
sp_helptext, sproc code ,stored procedure, proc_defn, , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , How To
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