You configure the UWL iView settings on category UWL Substitution with values different from the default.
The main properties of this category are:
- Add ALL Substitution Profile as Default
- Disable Substitution Profiles
- Disable Turn on/off Buttons
- Display Create/Delete buttons
- Hide Rule Activation Column
Additional explanation about each of them can be found at Configuring iView Properties help page.
After you set a value different than the default, when you load the UWL iView you realize that the changes are not taken into effect.
SAP Note 1800150 (UWL iView substution properties of iView copy not working) describes the same symptom, but you’re running a release already higher than the ones where its solution is provided.
- SAP Universal Worklist (UWL)
- SAP Enterprise Portal
- SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java
uwlsessionid, dynparam, hide, column, substitute, substitutes, launchSubstitutionManager, DynamicParameter , KBA , launchsubstitutionmanager , dynamicparameter , EP-BC-UWL , Universal Worklist , Problem
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