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2125992 - Retrieving odd number argument that is greater than 16777216 converts to an even number +/- the original odd number - SAP PB


Using PowerBuilder 12.6 (build 3506)  on a Windows 8 64-bit machine and connecting to MS SQL Server 2008 using the SNC driver.

When retrieving an odd number argument that is greater than 16777216, it is converted to an even number +/- the original odd number.
For example, if you pass 16777235 as the argument, in the SQL Profiler utility in MS SQL Server, you will see that it changed to 16777236.



  • SAP PowerBuilder 12.6
  • Windows 8 64-bit
  • MS SQL Server 2008


SAP PowerBuilder 12.6


pb, powerbuilder, 12.6, retrieval argument, sql profiler, snc, ms sqlserver , KBA , BC-SYB-PB , PowerBuilder , Problem

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