- You're performing an upgrade using the Software Update Manager (SUM) and have reached the phase ACT_UPG. Here you're prompted to do the modification adjustment (SPDD):
- While attemptig to logon to the shadow instance you get the below short dump:
- Upgrade/Update with shadow system using SUM SP12 or higher
- Standard or advanced mode selected in phase INITSUBST
- Addon PERSONAS already installed in the source system
- SAP GUI 7.40
Preprocessing, 5.5, Repository Modifications, SPDD, DDIC, Personas, /PERSONAS/, /PERSONAS/C_SCOV, /PERSONAS/CLCONTEXT_UTILS====CP,SQL code: 259, invalid table name, DBSQL_TABLE_UNKNOWN, syntax error, dump, Tabelle ist nicht bekannt oder existiert nicht, /PERSONAS/CL_SETTINGS_DATA====CP, /PERSONAS/CL_SETTINGS_DATA====CM00D,IS_PFCG_PERSONALIZATION_ACTIVE, S/4HANA 1709 , KBA , /supportbit_off=sap_personas , /supportbit_off , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , BC-UPG-ADDON , Upgrade Add-On Components , BC-PER , SAP Screen Personas , Problem
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