When you try to post an invoice to an account low value asset, system throws below error message.
Posting of invoice not possible due to error in financial accounting; Account determination group XYZ: G/L acct missing for Inventories ->Gains and Losses ->Material Consumption.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Supplier Invoicing work center.
- Go to the Invoices and Credit Memos view.
- Show All Documents and open the Invoice ABC (ABC represents the ID of the invoice).
- Click the View All button and navigate to the Exceptions tab.
- You will see the error message: Posting of invoice not possible due to error in financial accounting; Account determination group XYZ: G/L acct missing for Inventories ->Gains and Losses ->Material Consumption.
The Net Price of the Item is lower or higher than the Capitalization Threshold for Fixed Assets.
Please check the Threshold for Fixed Assets Account Principles.
- Go to the Business Configuration work center.
- Go to the Overview view.
- Find the Capitalization Threshold for Fixed Assets activity and select it.
- Click the Change Immediately button.
Here you can check if the Account Principle are maintained correctly for the particular Accounts. Check also the Minimum Account to Maximum Account values. You can change the Minimum and Maximum Account value to the Net Price amount to post the Invoice.
Now you are able to post the Invoice without exceptions to a Low Value Asset account.
Or post to a G/L Account, therefore you have to maintain the Account Determination Group XYZ (XYZ represents the ID of the Account Determination Group).
- Go to the Business Configuration work center.
- Go to the Overview view.
- Find the Charts of Accounts, Financial Reporting Structures, Account Determination activity and select it.
- Click the Change Immediately button.
- Click the General Ledger link under Account Determination.
- Change the Change Subledger to Inventories.
- Select the sub-tab Gains and Losses.
- Here you have to maintain the Account Determination Group for Materials XYZ (XYZ represents the ID of the Account Determination Group).
- Click the Save and Close button.
Now you are able to post the Invoice without exceptions to the maintained G/L Account.
KBA , LOD-CRM-LA , Live Activity , How To