IQ multiplex servers got aborted at st_server.cxx:1709 whenever executing a simple query against a specific table.
Multiple crashes, stacktraces are shown as below.
I. 01/30 13:45:53. 0000019020 ********************************************************
I. 01/30 13:45:53. 0000019020 **
I. 01/30 13:45:53. 0000019020 ** Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error Detected
I. 01/30 13:45:53. 0000019020 ** at slib/s_packedRec.cxx:1313 on thread 1920 (TID 1911)
I. 01/30 13:45:53. 0000019020 **************************************************
I. 01/30 13:45:53. 0000019020 *** SAP IQ Abort:
I. 01/30 13:45:53. 0000019020 *** From: stcxtlib/st_server.cxx:1709
I. 01/30 13:45:53. 0000019020 *** PID: 18805
I. 01/30 13:45:53. 0000019020 *** Message: caught signal 11, program abort
I. 01/30 13:45:53. 0000019020 *** Thread: 1855 (TID: 1846)
I. 01/30 13:45:53. 0000019020 **************************************************
I. 01/30 13:37:02. <,3365,PREPARE,select * from "OWNER001"."TAB001" where "COL001" = 11111111 order by 1 asc
I. 01/30 13:37:02. >,3365,PREPARE,65575
I. 01/30 13:37:02. <,3365,EXEC,65575
I. 01/30 13:37:02. W,3365,111,Statement cannot be executed
I. 01/30 13:37:02. >,3365,EXEC
I. 01/30 13:37:02. <,3365,OPEN,65575
I. 01/30 13:37:02. >,3365,OPEN,65576
I. 01/30 13:38:42. ** DisConnection 3365
I. 01/30 13:56:29. 0000027169 Dump all thread stacks at stcxtlib/st_server.cxx:1709 for PID: 17220
I. 01/30 13:56:29. 0000027169 ** While handling one abort, caught signal 11, program abort on thread 2198 (TID 2189)
I. 01/30 13:56:29. 0000027169
I. 01/30 13:56:29. 0000027169 ********************************************************
I. 01/30 13:56:29. 0000027169 **
I. 01/30 13:56:29. 0000027169 ** Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error Detected
I. 01/30 13:56:29. 0000027169 ** at /cm/iqa/include/s_bm.h:336 on thread 1638 (TID 1629)
I. 01/30 13:56:29. 0000027169 ** Bitmap identity damaged or version out-of-range.
I. 01/30 13:56:29. 0000027169 ** this=9ffffffe1d64e7d0,error={num=2,os=0,id=2049,msg=-1009045},bmec=2
// Crashed due to a problematic query.
I. 01/30 14:39:45. 0000000170 **************************************************
I. 01/30 14:39:45. 0000000170 *** SAP IQ Abort:
I. 01/30 14:39:45. 0000000170 *** From: stcxtlib/st_server.cxx:1709
I. 01/30 14:39:45. 0000000170 *** PID: 11311
I. 01/30 14:39:45. 0000000170 *** Message: caught signal 8, program abort
I. 01/30 14:39:45. 0000000170 *** Thread: 2357 (TID: 2348)
I. 01/30 14:39:45. 0000000170 **************************************************
I. 01/30 14:39:45. 0000000170
I. 01/30 14:39:45. 0000000170 Already printing a stacktrace
I. 01/30 14:39:45. 0000000170 ** While handling one abort, caught signal 11, program abort on thread 2313 (TID 2304)
I. 01/30 14:39:45. 0000000170 Destroying Locked Logical Buffer
// Got crashed again.
I. 01/30 15:38:24. 0000000092 **************************************************
I. 01/30 15:38:24. 0000000092 *** SAP IQ Abort:
I. 01/30 15:38:24. 0000000092 *** From: stcxtlib/st_server.cxx:1709
I. 01/30 15:38:24. 0000000092 *** PID: 21112
I. 01/30 15:38:24. 0000000092 *** Message: caught signal 11, program abort
I. 01/30 15:38:24. 0000000092 *** Thread: 2269 (TID: 2260)
I. 01/30 15:38:24. 0000000092 **************************************************
I. 01/30 15:38:24. 0000000092 ** While handling one abort, SAP IQ Abort Thrown from /cm/iqa/include/hos_mutex_inline.h:316 on thread 2155 (TID 2146)
I. 01/30 15:38:24. 0000000092 IQ Internal Error Detected: Memory Corruption
I. 01/30 15:38:24. 0000000092 ** Informational stack trace from out of virtual memory condition
I. 01/30 15:38:24. 0000000092 ** at /cm/iqa/include/s_bm_priv.h:310 on thread 2291 (TID 2282)
I. 01/30 15:38:24. 0000000092 ** Failed allocation request (bytes): 8315056692464
I. 01/30 15:38:24. 0000000092 ** Failed allocation request type: sbm_pageArray::_vector
(2) 0xc00000001a735370 _Z9hos_ABORTPKcjS0_PcS1_ + ..........
(3) 0xc00000001dbee1d0 SigHndlr + 0x90 at stcxtlib/st_server.cxx:1709 ..........
(4) 0xe0000001301cb440 ---- Signal 11 (SIGSEGV) delivered ----
(5) 0xc00000001cf16f40 _ZN17s_dictionaryFetch11FetchNoCopyEPKvRi + ..........
(6) 0xc00000001b8b70a0 _ZN10hs_dpfetch19FetchNoCopyONBitValEPvP9hos_datum + ..........
(7) 0xc00000001b8bab60 _ZN10hs_dpfetch21FetchNoCopyContiguousEyP9hos_datum + ..........
(8) 0xc00000001e175c60 _ZN10s_fetchRow15FetchContiguousEv + 0x1b0 at vplib/vp_FetchRow.cxx:856 ..........
(9) 0xc00000001e16ecf0 _ZN10s_fetchRow5FetchEv + 0x440 at vplib/vp_FetchRow.cxx:774 ..........
(10) 0xc00000001e150520 _ZN9vp_Cursor5FetchEv + ..........
(11) 0xc00000001a0d0090 _ZN22dfo_VerticalLeafCursor9FetchOpusEv + ..........
(12) 0xc00000001a37da70 _ZN17dfo_InsertPrepare9FetchOpusEv + ..........
(13) 0xc000000019fc9830 _ZN25dfo_CheckConstraintFilter9FetchOpusEv + ..........
(14) 0xc00000001a29b8c0 _ZN20dfo_ColumnVectorBase9FetchOpusEv + ..........
(15) 0xc00000001a2a0900 _ZN20dfo_CopyColumnVector9FetchOpusEv + ..........
(16) 0xc000000019fd7660 _ZN9dfo_RowID9FetchOpusEv + ..........
(17) 0xc00000001a344570 _ZN15dfo_IndexInsert9FetchOpusEv + ..........
SAP SYBASE IQ 16.0 SP08.22
SAP IQ, IQ, Abort, stcxtlib/st_server, ZN17s_dictionaryFetch11FetchNoCopyEPKvRi, s_dictionaryFetch, FetchNoCopy, hs_dpfetch, Destroying Locked Logical Buffer, Memory Corruption, KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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