- When dbxtract utility extracts multiple databases, some smaller databases are successfully unloaded but the process stops when it's trying to extract larger ones
- Sybase Central shows the following error message:
(SQL Error: Temporary space limit exceeded)
- -dt database option to use different drive with more space still causes the error
- Any supported SAP SQL Anywhere
- Any supported Sybase SQL Anywhere
SAP SQL Anywhere all versions ; SQL Anywhere all versions
dbextract, unload, unloading, query, operation, extraction, replicate, replication, hdd, hard disk drive, storage, max out, run out, SQLE_TEMP_SPACE_LIMIT, SQLACODE, -1000, SQLSTATE, 54W05, Sybase error code, 13492, temp file, TempDir, max_temp_space, temp_space_limit_check , KBA , csg_q , BC-SYB-SQA , SQL Anywhere (on premise, on demand) , BC-SYB-SQA-REM , SQL Anywhere - SQL Remote , Problem
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