- An UPDATE statement that does not modify any column (sets a variable) is executed
- The query references a table that has a text or image column
- The table has been marked for replication with sp_setreptostandby.
- Error 539 occurs in the ASE Error log with error 0 and state 31 in the message text.
Msg 539, Level 20, State 1
Server 'ASE', Line 3
Unexpected internal access methods error 0, state 31. Please report to
Technical Support the following information: dbid=7, objectid=294255077,curcmd=197, plasterror=0, pstat=0x10100, p2stat=0x1000, xactid=(2454423, 10)
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) All Versions
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise all versions
KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Bug Filed
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