SMP Server can not restart after deploying some package or application on SMP 3.0
In windows command, you can see the following meessage and then the process stopped for a long time.
#+1100#INFO#System.out##anonymous#SMPServerStatusManager###SMPServerStatusManager: 119 of 120 tracked bundles have initialized.
#+1100#INFO#System.out##anonymous#SMPServerStatusManager###SMPServerStatusManager: 119 of 120 tracked bundles have initialized.
#+1100#INFO#System.out##anonymous#SMPServerStatusManager###SMPServerStatusManager: 119 of 120 tracked bundles have initialized.
You may can see the following error message in the window command and SMP Server log.
Bundles (and their services) not yet initialized: <-- Issue
SMP 3.0 SP01, SP02 , SP03 , SP04 , SP05
Windows 2008 R2 SP01
This problem does not dependent on SMP database type.
smp 3.0, sap mobile platform server, server hang, restart disable, shutdown, sizing guide, memory configuration, SMP JVM, JVM config, xms, xmx
props.ini , KBA , MOB-SUP-RT , SUP Runtime , MOB-SYC-SAP , Syclo Mobility for SAP backend , Problem
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