ST22, ABAP Programming Error, SAPLACHD, "LACHDU01", "DOCHEADERFIELD_MODIFY", SAPMF05A, 1099, 'The program attempted to interpret the value "X" as a number, but since the value contravenes the rules for correct number formats, this was not possible', enjoy, Stucture RFOPTE (Accounting User Options (Single-Screen Transactions) Package FFE (Fast Data Entry), RFOPTE-DMTTP, Document Type - Option, G/L Acct Pstg: Single Screen Trans., Enter Incoming Invoices, Enter Outgoing Invoices, SAPMF05O 1100, SU01D, FB00, User Master Parameter ID, ABAP runtime error message 'CONVT_NO_NUMBER' is displayed for certain user, FB50, FB60,FB70, PARVA, PARID 'FO3', USR05, SU01, User Maintenance, Parameter Id 'FO3', SU3, User profile ,own data, dump, Accounting User Options, Single-Screen Transactions, Settings, Accounting Editing Options, Special options for single screen transactions, USR05. , KBA , FI-GL-GL-A , Posting/Clearing , FI-AR-AR-A , Posting/Clearing/Special General Ledger , FI-AP-AP-A , Posting/Clearing/Special General Ledger , Problem
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